Michal Greenboim
Fine Art

My Blog

Blogging has become an important tool for artists and members of the fine art world to reach a wider audience and share their thoughts, experiences, and perspectives. By creating regular content on a blog, artists can build a strong online presence, connect with potential customers, and showcase their work to a global community.

Blogging can also provide a platform for artists to share their creative process, techniques, and inspirations. This behind-the-scenes look into the artist's world can help build a personal connection with their audience, and provide insight into the passion and dedication that goes into creating a work of art.

For artists looking to build a following, a blog can be a great way to connect with other members of the fine art community. By commenting on and sharing the work of other artists, bloggers can establish themselves as thought leaders in their field, and build a network of connections that can lead to new opportunities.

Blogging can also be a valuable resource for art collectors, gallery owners, and curators. By reading the perspectives of artists and members of the fine art world, these individuals can gain a deeper understanding of the trends, issues, and challenges that are shaping the industry.

However, it is important for artists and members of the fine art world to approach blogging with intention and strategy. A successful blog requires regular content that is both informative and engaging, and a strong online presence that is reflective of the artist's brand and values.

In conclusion, blogging has become an essential tool for artists and members of the fine art world to connect with a wider audience, build their online presence, and establish themselves as thought leaders in their field. Whether you're an artist, collector, gallery owner, or curator, a well-designed blog can provide a platform for sharing your passion and insights with the world.

Capturing the beauty of life, one moment at a time.

Recognized for Excellence: My Experience with the Julia Margaret Cameron and Polux Awards

Three years ago on March 2020, just before the global COVID-19 pandemic took hold, I received two prestigious photography awards. The first was the Julia Margaret Cameron Award, an international competition that recognizes the work of women photographers from around the world. The award is named after Julia Margaret Cameron, a renowned 19th-century photographer who was a pioneer in portrait photography.

Winning the Julia Margaret Cameron Award was a great honor for me as a photographer. The competition judges artists based on their technical skill, artistic vision, and the emotional impact of their work. As a female photographer, it was a wonderful opportunity to be recognized among my peers and showcase my work to a wider audience.

The second award I received was the Polux Award, which included the gift of the gallery printing all 19 pieces of my Keeping the Flame series about the Jewish community in Cuba. The Polux Award is a prestigious international competition that recognizes outstanding work in photography. I was thrilled to be selected as a winner, and the opportunity to have my work printed and showcased by the gallery was a dream come true.

Overall, receiving these awards was a validation of the hard work and dedication that I have put into my photography. It was a wonderful opportunity to connect with other artists and gain recognition for my talent and creativity. I am grateful for the recognition and validation that these awards have brought, and I look forward to continuing to pursue my passion for photography.

A large gratitude to the fotonostrum gallery in Barcelona Spain

I am actively seeking out galleries and museums worldwide who are interested in exhibiting the story of the small Jewish Cuban community through my artwork. Additionally, prints from the Keeping the Flame series are available for purchase by contacting me directly via email at michal@greenboim.com.

Installation at Fotonostrum Gallery
